. bleu mortant blog

Montag, 5. Juli 2004

We have no need for a nuclear bomb. We have overcome our enemies so far, without the nuclear bomb.

weapons ++

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Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2004

they wanna rock the desert.

music ++

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Westforschung, das Gegenstück zur Orientalistik, ist der neue Trend in der arabischen Welt.

islamic world ++

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Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2004

Retter der Geisel und zugleich Commis des Terrorismus: die gleiche Zerrissenheit. Diese Vorstellung überforderte viele Bürger. Demonstrationen fanden nicht statt.

mediawar ++

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The Parks and Recreation Department reports a total of 370 grills in the five boroughs — the Bronx having the most at 200, Manhattan the fewest at 25. With eight million people in the city, we calculate one measly grill for every 21,621.6 New Yorkers. Not surprisingly, an informal survey of park-grillers in Manhattan showed that if you want to use a city-owned grill on a sunny summer weekend, you had better be an early riser. Possession is apparently ten-tenths of the law in city parks.
[Quelle, nur bis mitte juli einsehbar]

Buerokratie ++

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back to the besoffene 70er: eine 16-jährige rettet den soul.

music ++

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