blue, 27. Januar 2003 um 16:29:37 MEZ
Europäer sind Weichlinge meinen kriegslüsterne Amis
The current stereotype of Europeans is easily summarized. Europeans are wimps. They are weak, petulant, hypocritical, disunited, duplicitous, sometimes anti-Semitic and often anti-American appeasers. In a word: "Euroweenies."[2] Their values and their spines have dissolved in a lukewarm bath of multilateral, transnational, secular, and postmodern fudge. They spend their euros on wine, holidays, and bloated welfare states instead of on defense. Then they jeer from the sidelines while the United States does the hard and dirty business of keeping the world safe for Europeans. Americans, by contrast, are strong, principled defenders of freedom, standing tall in the patriotic service of the world's last truly sovereign nation-state.
Ja, die Amis haben auch Vorurteile, zum Beispiel gegen Europäer. Am besten gefällt mir, dass wir hier auf dem alten Kontinent unser Geld für Wein, Urlaub und aufgeblähte Wohlfahrtstaaten verschwenden.
politics ++
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