. Beitrags-Archiv 11. Januar 2003 (Seite 1 von 1)

Samstag, 11. Januar 2003

Ängste, alphabetisch

Ailurophobia- Fear of cats. Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing. Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching. Acerophobia- Fear of sourness. Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Aerophobia- Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances. Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open high places. Aeronausiphobia- Fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness. Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. Agliophobia- Fear of pain. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Agraphobia- Fear of sexual abuse. Agrizoophobia- Fear of wild animals. Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the street. Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects. Albuminurophobia- Fear of kidney disease. Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens. Algophobia- Fear of pain. Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic. Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions. Altophobia- Fear of heights. Amathophobia- Fear of dust. Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a car. Ambulophobia- Fear of walking. Amnesiphobia- Fear of amnesia. Amychophobia- Fear of scratches or being scratched. Anablephobia- Fear of looking up. Ancraophobia or Anemophobia- Fear of wind. Androphobia- Fear of men. Anemophobia- Fear of air drafts or wind.
400 weitere Gründe, das Haus nicht zu verlassen, via telepolis

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Dann war es also doch kein Scherz gewesen, und der junge Zahnmedizinstudent machte sich wirklich ernsthafte Sorgen um seine berufliche Zukunft.

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